Female Pellet Therapy
Frequently Asked Questions For Women
How often will I need to repeat my pellet insertions?
Usually every 3-4 months.
Will my periods be the same?
If you are not yet menopausal, your periods might remain the same while on hormone pellet therapy. If you are post-menopausal, the goal is for you to not have any periods at all. If you go one year without periods and then have one, we will order an ultrasound to make sure the lining of your uterus looks normal.
Are there any side effects and/or complications?
Any medical treatment has potential risks and side effects. However, unlike other forms of hormone therapy, there are fewer side effects than from traditional therapy.
How long will it take for the pellets to get into my system and work?
Effects are noticeable within 24 to 72 hours. Optimal effects occur after about 3 weeks.
I get horrible headaches—will pellets help me?
Yes! We have had great success, especially with women who have menstrual migraines or new migraines that appear after age 35.
Why do I need estrogen?
Estrogen is the most important hormone for a woman. Loss of estrogen can lead to hot flushes, sleep disturbances, loss of sex drive, mood swings and more. Estrogen protects women from osteoporosis. It also keeps you looking young and healthy.
Do I need to take other medication?
If you still have a uterus, you will need to be on natural progesterone as well. This is because by itself, estrogen can stimulate the uterine lining and cause bleeding or rarely can lead to cancer of the uterine lining. Progesterone helps prevent this.
Why do I need testosterone?
Testosterone is the third female hormone and is as essential as estrogen and progesterone. Women need this hormone to keep thought processes quick and maintain a healthy libido. It improves bone density, muscle mass, strength and prevents some types of depression. Testosterone can also increase energy and aid in getting solid sleep!
Will I grow unwanted hair from testosterone?
There is less chance of excess hair growth with natural testosterone than with synthetic hormones. Light facial hair can grow when using testosterone pellets but normally not worse than when you were in your thirties.
I have no libido—can this help?
Yes ! Good hormone balance will greatly improve your libido but the addition of testosterone in pellet form will change everything for the better. Testosterone pellets have been known to save marriages!