Vaginal or Sexual Concerns
Vaginal dryness, pain with intercourse, and vaginal wall "looseness" or laxity are common and distressing symptoms for menopausal and peri-menopausal women. At Pasadena Pellet Therapy we offer many different treatments to help with vaginal dryness, pain with sex, and/or vaginal laxity.
Causes of vaginal dryness and painful sex
Many menopausal and peri-menopausal women experience vaginal dryness and painful sex. These symptoms might start out mild, easily managed with vaginal lubricants. This works for a while, but over time these symptoms often get worse and worse. Sex might start to become unpleasant, even with the use of vaginal lubricants. These symptoms are all due to the loss of estrogen caused by menopausal.
Some women have an easy menopause initially, with minimal hot flashes or night sweats, only to start having vaginal dryness and painful sex months or even years after their last period. This is also normal and common and treatable!
Treatment for vaginal dryness and painful sex
Treatment options include the following:
- Prescription vaginal estrogen or other vaginal hormone medications
- Non-hormonal medications - compounded formulas
- Vaginal "rejuvenation" treatments - Heat, Radiofrequency, Laser
- Sex therapy, sex toys or devices
- Prescription vaginal estrogen or other vaginal hormone medications
Vaginal estrogen is the most common effective treatment for vaginal dryness and painful sex. It is not very helpful for vaginal "looseness" or laxity.
Vaginal estrogen has to be prescribed by a physician. Available options include vaginally inserted creams, suppositories, rings, or tablets. Vaginal IntraRosa is an FDA-approved, non-estrogen hormonal treatment.
Estrogen pellets, skin creams or patches, or other systemic forms of estrogen therapy can help these vaginal symptoms, but many women using systemic estrogen will greatly benefit from the addition of vaginal hormone treatment.
Vaginal "rejuvenation"
We are not huge fans of the word "rejuvenation" but for non- hormone treatments of vaginal dryness and painful sex it is a useful description.
Rejuvenation in this case means using devices such as heat or laser to try and restore vaginal health and function to a pre-menopausal state. Many devices can do this safely and effectively. The goal is for vaginal (and vulvar) tissues to function physiologically like before the many changes of aging and menopause took place.
At Pasadena Pellet Therapy we perform the EMFEMME 360® vaginal radiofrequency treatment.

What is EMFEMME 360®?
EMFEMME 360® is non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation that can tighten and firm loose vaginal tissue. EMFEMME 360® uses radiofrequency energy to change your vaginal tissues at the cellular level.
The EMFEMME device emits thermal energy to cause a tightening effect that enhances the appearance and function of your vaginal tissues.
EMFEMME 360 can:
- Tighten and firm loose vaginal tissue and the vaginal canal
- Improve your sex life and reduce pain and vaginal dryness
- Enhance the appearance of the vaginal and vulvar tissues
- Tighten muscles within the vaginal canal

- How Many Treatments Do I Need and How Does It Feel?
You usually need 3 sessions of the EMFEMME 360® to see results. For most patients, each session is spaced about 1 week apart. The EMFEMME 360® treatment is comfortable and relaxing. Most patients report a slight warming sensation from the EMFEMME 360® device but no discomfort during their session.
- Recovery & Aftercare
There is little to no recovery or aftercare required after your EMFEMME 360® sessions. This is why most patients prefer radiofrequency therapy over many laser devices. Patients also report an increase in moisture and tone of the vaginal tissue. You may feel some warming sensations of the tissue after treatment but not pain. You can resume most of your normal activities on the same day as an EMFEMME 360® session.
- What does the treatment feel like?
While the EMFEMME 360® evenly heats the treated areas, you will feel pleasant and comfortable warmth. Following the treatment, you may notice mild redness and swelling in the treatment area. This usually disappears within a few hours. You may resume normal activity immediately afterward.
- How fast will I notice results?
You may observe improvement after a single session. The results will typically continue to improve over the next few weeks.
Important Information (Disclaimer)
Your results may vary. You may feel heat during the treatment, but you should not feel an unpleasant sensation of burning or pain. Treatment should not be applied if you have electronic or metal implants. As with any heat-based therapy, burns may result. As with any medical procedure, ask your doctor if the EMFEMME 360® procedure is right for you. The EMFEMME 360® is intended to provide heating for the purpose of elevating tissue temperature, for selected medical conditions such as temporary relief of pain, muscle spasms, and increase in local circulation. The safety and efficacy of EMFEMME 360® and EMSELLA® in combination have not been evaluated by the FDA.